Developed by Health Exchange
Decrease your risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes by increasing your activity levels....
and having fun at the same time.
Inactivity has long been linked to an increased prevalence in Diabetes. As the number of people diagnosed with diabetes continues to grow, researchers are focusing on discovering why the prevalence of the disease is increasing. New research finds that ceasing regular physical activity impairs glycemic control (control of blood sugar levels), suggesting that inactivity may play a key role in the development of Type 2 diabetes (University of Missouri, 2011).
What you get?
We can provide you with a pedometer and a personal account on our GO! Activity website. This will allow you to earn points for all of the activity you participate in, as well as watching your activity levels increase over the weeks. As well as rewarding you for the little things, such as taking the stairs or walking to work, we can even suggest new sports and classes to take up.
How will it help?
You can watch and monitor all of the activity you take part in over the course of a number of weeks or months, and see your own fitness levels improve. You can compete against other participants on your course or just against yourself. Regular physical activity has been scientifically proven to reduce the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes.
How to get involved?
You can apply to start today by completing our online form, or by speaking to your personal LWTC educator.