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“I  would recommend the programme to make people aware of the dangers of what we eat and the need to change our lifestyles, because diabetes is different for everyone.”


We asked Sandra to tell us what she thought of the programme and this is what she said:


Joining the programme has opened up on what little knowledge I really had on diabetes.  Over the past weeks, we have shared our experiences and asked many questions. We have received excellent encouragement and support in the group, putting what we have learnt into practice.  I found that I automatically look at food labels when I shop, steering clear of food with red labels!

The programme has educated me about diabetes, and taught me how I can manage it in my daily life. To improve my knowledge on diabetes will improve my quality of life.

I would recommend the programme to make people aware of the dangers of what we eat and the need to change our lifestyles, because diabetes is different for everyone.

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