Frequently Asked Questions
Why have I been invited to attend this programme?
Your GP has recommended that you attend this non-medical self-management programme because you are at high risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. They have asked Living Well Taking Control, your local Healthier You: NHS National Diabetes Prevention Programme provider, to give you some support to help you manage your health. You may also benefit if you have another long-term condition.
The aim of the programme is to help you improve your knowledge, ability and confidence whilst offering you the support you need to make good lifestyle choices.
What happens on the programme?
You will be invited to join a small group of people who have also been identified as being at risk of Type 2 Diabetes. This group will meet at a local venue for a total of 13 sessions over a 12 month period. The first 8 sessions take place once a week for 90 minutes per week. The group will be led by a trained facilitator. Don’t worry – it won’t be like being at school; it will be informal, with the facilitators being friendly, local individuals. They will give you information and support to help you make changes to your lifestyle to reduce the risk of developing diabetes. Following these weekly meetings you will receive further support with 5 more hour-long sessions spread out over the rest of the year. We will be able to monitor your progress on a regular basis and you will be given information about a range of relevant local activities.
What will we cover on the programme?
• Information on diet
• Information on physcial activity
• Managing stress and your emotional wellbeing
• The importance of monitoring your weight
How will this be of help to me?
There are many ways the programme will help you; in particular:
You will understand the impact of your everyday lifestyle choices on your health and so be empowered to manage your own health and wellbeing more effectively
You will be able to prevent disease progression
You will be able to help your family and friends avoid developing Type 2 diabetes
The atmosphere in the sessions is informal and it’s a great way of getting to share experiences with others in a similar situation to yourself and pick up some useful information along the way.
Can I bring someone along with me?
Yes - in fact it is encouraged! So if you have a family member or carer that would like to attend please let us know.
I have a disability / I don’t speak English - will my needs be catered for?
Yes - but please let us know as soon as possible about any extra help you may need.
What happens next?
You will be contacted by a Living Well Taking Control Facilitator to discuss availability, start date and times of sessions that are running in your area.
What if I have a question - who do I contact?
Your Living Well Taking Control Facilitator will give you his or her contact details once you start on the programme. If you have a query in the meantime you can contact us using our contact form here.